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kundetilpasset fleksibel løsning rekrutteringsprocesser

kundetilpasset fleksibel løsning rekrutteringsprocesser

kundetilpasset fleksibel løsning rekrutteringsprocesser

kundetilpasset fleksibel løsning rekrutteringsprocesser

kundetilpasset fleksibel løsning rekrutteringsprocesser

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Why Highr

Highr delivers professional research to your own
recruitment process and finds suitable, hard-to-
reach candidates for you.

60 Hours of Research

Which you can use for one or several assignments, delivered by experienced Senior Researchers.

A Large Network

In different Industries  and more than 700 assignments within many job functions and organisations.

Unlimited hires

From our flexible proces without affecting the price of DKK. 59900. We deliver 5,6 candidates in average per assignment.

Let us help you as well!

Highr has helped a large number of organisations find and recruit candidates, they have not been able to reach themselves.

We find, contact and phone-interview the right candidates and our Clients are responsible for interviews, tests, references and hiring.

The Highr Model

Highr offers a customer-tailored and flexible service, specifically designed to support your own recruitment processes.

Customized solution


We believe that our clients are better suited, to interview the final candidates and evaluate their ability to fit into the culture, strategy or the individual team, than we are.

That is why Highr is specialized in delivering the first part of a classic search service, in which we identify, contact, and phone interview the most relevant candidates, who will then be transferred to you for further evaluation.

On average, you will receive 5,6 relevant candidates who have already been evaluated based on qualifications, salary expectations, and interest for the particular job.

Price: DKK 59.900.-

Key features

Your Highr service includes the following benefits:


60 hours of research or talent pipeline.


Hire as many people as you want from the process.


You will be responsible for your interviews, tests, and hiring.


You can cancel the assignment and save the hours for later.


A report with key numbers and Candidate Insights.


Ability to catch the passive and non-job-seeking candidates.


A fixed price and a thoroughly tested process of 700 assignments.


Full transparency and close contact throughout the process.

Price: DKK 59.900.-

Preliminary analysis

Our ability to communicate a relevant message in the research is paramount for success.

Employer Value Proposition (EVP)

Employer Value Proposition (EVP) describes the reason why a potential candidate would want to work for a given firm.

If the value proposition is not sufficiently attractive, it will affect the interest from relevant candidates.

Ask yourself – why would your biggest competitor’s best employees want to apply for this particular job, in this division, and with this manager or in this firm?

The purpose with the meeting is to gain insight about the position and the candidate profile and to further share good stories.

We challenge the manager on the value proposition (EVP) because it is the good story that has to convince the candidates that the position is worth exploring further.

In the preliminary analysis, we go through the upcoming process and ensure that expectations are set for both parties. Our ability to communicate a relevant message in the research is paramount for success.

Our preliminary analysis will also show where there is the greatest concurrence between the company’s demands and wishes – and the candidates’ competences, as well as where the company’s value proposition and the candidates’ preferences are most in alignment.


Stay focused with our project management tool. Our dialogue tool, Wimi has plenty of benefits to offer our clients throughout the process.

Project management

To be 100 percent transparent throughout the course of the project, we use an online project management tool called WIMI. WIMI enables you to have unlimited numbers of participants associated to each individual case, while ensuring that users only have access to their own assignments.

We will communicate multiple times per week to continuously ensure that we are on the right track. As such, WIMI also functions as documentation for how the process is going.


  • Full transparency
  • Overview of assignments
  • Only access to one’s own assignments
  • No emails
  • 24/7 access
  • Unlimited participants
  • Access from all platforms
Full transparency and control

Candidate Insight

Receive KPIs and insight into the candidate’s thoughts about your offer.


Overview of the KPIs of the assignment, longlist, contact and dialogue, shortlist, and results.

Candidate Insights

Gain insight into the reasons for why a potential candidate did not apply, their ambitions, salary expectations, EVP, etc.


Get a summary of the assignment, its status, the company’s image, and total time consumption.

We give you an overall feedback on the assignment.

Highr delivers a final report which gives an overview of how the candidates perceived your brand as well as why they declined the opportunity. The report will also include assessments of the market and the candidates.

In addition, you will receive a final status on the time consumption and the opportunity to utilize the remaining hours at a later time.


Examples of assignments we have completed


  • Full Stack Lead Developer
  • SAP Solutions Architect Finance
  • BI Developer
  • Lead Consultant
  • System administrator


  • Finance operations Manager
  • Finance Controller
  • Revenue Analyst
  • Head of Finance
  • Financial Business Controller


  • Machine Learning Engineer
  • Quality Auditor
  • Manufactoring Tech. Engineer
  • Senior Manager Business Innovation
  • Teamleader QC lab


  • Sales Manager Denmark
  • Key Account Manager
  • Sales Controller
  • Sales and marketing manager
  • Technical Sales Consultant

Pharma / Life Science

  • Pharma Cokineticist
  • Production Specialist
  • GMP Supporter
  • Manager Lab Compliance
  • Patient Solution Manager

Human Ressources

  • HR consultant
  • Professional recruitment manager
  • Senior Talent Acquisition Consultant
  • HR Business Partner
  • Reimbursement Specialist


  • IT Manager
  • Head of Counseling Center
  • Head of Marketing and Digital Media
  • Head of Payments
  • Supply Chain Director


  • AML Lead
  • Senior Business Advisors
  • Compliance Officer
  • Senior Risk Analyst
  • Fund Settlement Specialist


  • Personal Data Specialist IT
  • Lawyer
  • Regulatory Employee
  • Lawyer Fintech
  • Head of Legal


  • Marketing Comm. Manager
  • Subscription specialist
  • Marketing Manager
  • Webshop Manager
  • Head of Customer Insights
[rev_slider alias=”front-mobile-uk” /]

Why Highr

Highr delivers professional research to your own
recruitment process and finds suitable, hard-to-
reach candidates for you.

60 Hours of Research

Which you can use for one or several assignments, delivered by experienced Senior Researchers.

A Large Network

In different Industries  and more than 700 assignments within many job functions and organisations.

Unlimited hires

From our flexible proces without affecting the price of DKK. 59900. We deliver 5,6 candidates in average per assignment.

Let us help you as well!

Highr has helped a large number of organisations find and recruit candidates, they have not been able to reach themselves.

We find, contact and phone-interview the right candidates and our Clients are responsible for interviews, tests, references and hiring.

The Highr Model

Highr offers a customer-tailored and flexible service, specifically designed to support your own recruitment processes.

Customized solution


We believe that our clients are better suited, to interview the final candidates and evaluate their ability to fit into the culture, strategy or the individual team, than we are.

That is why Highr is specialized in delivering the first part of a classic search service, in which we identify, contact, and phone interview the most relevant candidates, who will then be transferred to you for further evaluation.

On average, you will receive 5,6 relevant candidates who have already been evaluated based on qualifications, salary expectations, and interest for the particular job.

Price: DKK 59.900.-

Key features

Your Highr service includes the following benefits:


60 hours of research or talent pipeline.


Hire as many people as you want from the process.


You will be responsible for your interviews, tests, and hiring.


You can cancel the assignment and save the hours for later.


A report with key numbers and Candidate Insights.


Ability to catch the passive and non-job-seeking candidates.


A fixed price and a thoroughly tested process of 700 assignments.


Full transparency and close contact throughout the process.

Price: DKK 59.900.-


Vores evne til at formidle et “relevant” budskab i researchen,
er altafgørende for succes.

Employer Value Proposition (EVP)

Employer Value Proposition (EVP) eller virksomhedens værditilbud beskriver årsagen til at en kandidat skulle få lyst til at arbejde for en given virksomhed.

Hvis værditilbudet ikke er attraktivt nok, vil det påvirke interessen fra de relevante kandidater.

Spørg dig selv – hvorfor skulle din største konkurrents bedste medarbejdere ønske at søge dette job, i denne afdeling, med denne leder eller i denne virksomhed?

Formålet med mødet er, at få viden om stillingen, kandidatprofilen, men i endnu højere grad få de gode historier ind under huden.

Vi udfordrer lederen på værditilbudet (EVP), for det er den gode historie, der skal overbevise kandidaterne om at jobbet er værd at kigge nærmere på.

I foranalysen gennemgår vi også den kommende proces og sikrer at forventningerne på begge sider, er afstemt. Vores evne til at formidle et “relevant” budskab i researchen, er altafgørende for succes.

Vores foranalyse viser også, hvor der er størst sammenfald med virksomhedens krav og ønsker – og kandidaternes kompetencer, samt hvor virksomhedens værditilbud og kandidaternes prefecencer, stemmer mest overens.


Hold “kæden stram” med vores projektstyringsværktøj
Vores dialogtool giver en masse fordele for vores kunder i processforløbet


For at være 100% transparent igennem hele forløbet, bruger vi et online projektstyringsværktøj, der hedder WIMI.

WIMI giver mulighed for at have ubegrænsede deltagere tilknyttet til de enkelte sager, men det er naturligvis kun ens egne opgaver, man har adgang til.

Vi skriver sammen mange gange om ugen, for hele tiden at sikre, at vi er på rette spor, så WIMI fungere også som dokumentation for, hvordan processen er forløbet


  • Fuld transparens
  • Oversigt over egne opgaver
  • Kun ens egne opgaver man har adgang til
  • Ingen mails
  • Adgang 24/7
  • Ubegrænsede deltagere
  • Tilgås fra alle platforme
Full transparency and control

Candidate Insight

Få nøgletal og et indblik i kandidaternes tanker om jeres tilbud


Overblik over opgavens nøgletal,
longlist, kontakt og dialog, shortlist,

Candidate Insights

Få et indblik i årsagen til manglende kandidatur,
ambitioner, lønrammer, EVP m.m


Få en samlet opsummering på opgaven,
status, virksomhedens image og samlet tidsforbrug

Vi giver dig et samlet feedback på opgaven

Highr leverer en afsluttende rapport, der giver et overblik over hvordan kandidaterne oplevede jeres brand, samt hvorfor de takkede nej til muligheden. Rapporten indeholder også researchernes vurderinger af marked og kandidaterne.

Desuden får i en afsluttende status på timeforbruget, og mulighed for at benytte evt. resterende timer senere.


Examples of assignments we have completed


  • Full Stack Lead Developer
  • SAP Solutions Architect Finance
  • BI Developer
  • Lead Consultant
  • System administrator


  • Finance operations Manager
  • Finance Controller
  • Revenue Analyst
  • Head of Finance
  • Financial Business Controller


  • Machine Learning Engineer
  • Quality Auditor
  • Manufactoring Tech. Engineer
  • Senior Manager Business Innovation
  • Teamleader QC lab


  • Sales Manager Denmark
  • Key Account Manager
  • Sales Controller
  • Sales and marketing manager
  • Technical Sales Consultant

Pharma / Life Science

  • Pharma Cokineticist
  • Production Specialist
  • GMP Supporter
  • Manager Lab Compliance
  • Patient Solution Manager

Human Ressources

  • HR consultant
  • Professional recruitment manager
  • Senior Talent Acquisition Consultant
  • HR Business Partner
  • Reimbursement Specialist


  • IT Manager
  • Head of Counseling Center
  • Head of Marketing and Digital Media
  • Head of Payments
  • Supply Chain Director


  • AML Lead
  • Senior Business Advisors
  • Compliance Officer
  • Senior Risk Analyst
  • Fund Settlement Specialist


  • Personal Data Specialist IT
  • Lawyer
  • Regulatory Employee
  • Lawyer Fintech
  • Head of Legal


  • Marketing Comm. Manager
  • Subscription specialist
  • Marketing Manager
  • Webshop Manager
  • Head of Customer Insights

Why Highr

Highr delivers professional research to your own
recruitment process and finds suitable, hard-to-
reach candidates for you.

60 Hours of Research

Which you can use for one or several assignments, delivered by experienced Senior Researchers.

A Large Network

In different Industries  and more than 700 assignments within many job functions and organisations.

Unlimited hires

From our flexible proces without affecting the price of DKK. 59900. We deliver 5,6 candidates in average per assignment.

Let us help you as well!

Highr has helped a large number of organisations find and recruit candidates, they have not been able to reach themselves.

We find, contact and phone-interview the right candidates and our Clients are responsible for interviews, tests, references and hiring.

The Highr Model

Highr offers a customer-tailored and flexible service, specifically designed to support your own recruitment processes.

Customized solution


We believe that our clients are better suited, to interview the final candidates and evaluate their ability to fit into the culture, strategy or the individual team, than we are.

That is why Highr is specialized in delivering the first part of a classic search service, in which we identify, contact, and phone interview the most relevant candidates, who will then be transferred to you for further evaluation.

On average, you will receive 5,6 relevant candidates who have already been evaluated based on qualifications, salary expectations, and interest for the particular job.

Price: DKK 59.900.-

Key features

Your Highr service includes the following benefits:


60 hours of research or talent pipeline.


Hire as many people as you want from the process.


You will be responsible for your interviews, tests, and hiring.


You can cancel the assignment and save the hours for later.


A report with key numbers and Candidate Insights.


Ability to catch the passive and non-job-seeking candidates.


A fixed price and a thoroughly tested process of 700 assignments.


Full transparency and close contact throughout the process.

Price: DKK 59.900.-


Vores evne til at formidle et “relevant” budskab i researchen,
er altafgørende for succes.

Employer Value Proposition (EVP)

Employer Value Proposition (EVP) eller virksomhedens værditilbud beskriver årsagen til at en kandidat skulle få lyst til at arbejde for en given virksomhed.

Hvis værditilbudet ikke er attraktivt nok, vil det påvirke interessen fra de relevante kandidater.

Spørg dig selv – hvorfor skulle din største konkurrents bedste medarbejdere ønske at søge dette job, i denne afdeling, med denne leder eller i denne virksomhed?

Formålet med mødet er, at få viden om stillingen, kandidatprofilen, men i endnu højere grad få de gode historier ind under huden.

Vi udfordrer lederen på værditilbudet (EVP), for det er den gode historie, der skal overbevise kandidaterne om at jobbet er værd at kigge nærmere på.

I foranalysen gennemgår vi også den kommende proces og sikrer at forventningerne på begge sider, er afstemt. Vores evne til at formidle et “relevant” budskab i researchen, er altafgørende for succes.

Vores foranalyse viser også, hvor der er størst sammenfald med virksomhedens krav og ønsker – og kandidaternes kompetencer, samt hvor virksomhedens værditilbud og kandidaternes prefecencer, stemmer mest overens.


Hold “kæden stram” med vores projektstyringsværktøj
Vores dialogtool giver en masse fordele for vores kunder i processforløbet


For at være 100% transparent igennem hele forløbet, bruger vi et online projektstyringsværktøj, der hedder WIMI.

WIMI giver mulighed for at have ubegrænsede deltagere tilknyttet til de enkelte sager, men det er naturligvis kun ens egne opgaver, man har adgang til.

Vi skriver sammen mange gange om ugen, for hele tiden at sikre, at vi er på rette spor, så WIMI fungere også som dokumentation for, hvordan processen er forløbet


  • Fuld transparens
  • Oversigt over egne opgaver
  • Kun ens egne opgaver man har adgang til
  • Ingen mails
  • Adgang 24/7
  • Ubegrænsede deltagere
  • Tilgås fra alle platforme
Full transparency and control

Candidate Insight

Få nøgletal og et indblik i kandidaternes tanker om jeres tilbud


Overblik over opgavens nøgletal,
longlist, kontakt og dialog, shortlist,

Candidate Insights

Få et indblik i årsagen til manglende kandidatur,
ambitioner, lønrammer, EVP m.m


Få en samlet opsummering på opgaven,
status, virksomhedens image og samlet tidsforbrug

Vi giver dig et samlet feedback på opgaven

Highr leverer en afsluttende rapport, der giver et overblik over hvordan kandidaterne oplevede jeres brand, samt hvorfor de takkede nej til muligheden. Rapporten indeholder også researchernes vurderinger af marked og kandidaterne.

Desuden får i en afsluttende status på timeforbruget, og mulighed for at benytte evt. resterende timer senere.


Examples of assignments we have completed


  • Full Stack Lead Developer
  • SAP Solutions Architect Finance
  • BI Developer
  • Lead Consultant
  • System administrator


  • Finance operations Manager
  • Finance Controller
  • Revenue Analyst
  • Head of Finance
  • Financial Business Controller


  • Machine Learning Engineer
  • Quality Auditor
  • Manufactoring Tech. Engineer
  • Senior Manager Business Innovation
  • Teamleader QC lab


  • Sales Manager Denmark
  • Key Account Manager
  • Sales Controller
  • Sales and marketing manager
  • Technical Sales Consultant

Pharma / Life Science

  • Pharma Cokineticist
  • Production Specialist
  • GMP Supporter
  • Manager Lab Compliance
  • Patient Solution Manager

Human Ressources

  • HR consultant
  • Professional recruitment manager
  • Senior Talent Acquisition Consultant
  • HR Business Partner
  • Reimbursement Specialist


  • IT Manager
  • Head of Counseling Center
  • Head of Marketing and Digital Media
  • Head of Payments
  • Supply Chain Director


  • AML Lead
  • Senior Business Advisors
  • Compliance Officer
  • Senior Risk Analyst
  • Fund Settlement Specialist


  • Personal Data Specialist IT
  • Lawyer
  • Regulatory Employee
  • Lawyer Fintech
  • Head of Legal


  • Marketing Comm. Manager
  • Subscription specialist
  • Marketing Manager
  • Webshop Manager
  • Head of Customer Insights

Highr is pronounced both as “higher”, which symbolizes our desire to help our clients become more successful with their own recruitment processes, and as “hire”, which means “to recruit”.

Thomas Hollen is the CEO of Highr and has been in the recruitment industry since 2000.


Highr ApS – Hauser Plads 10, st. – 1127 København K – Danmark

+45 53 69 69 99



Capture the passive and not job-seeking candidates

60 hours of headhunting, you can stop at any time

Unlimited employment at no extra cost

Full transparency throughout the process via web-based platform

Get exciting candidate insights

Highr is pronounced both as “higher”, which symbolizes our desire to help our clients become more successful with their own recruitment processes, and as “hire”, which means “to recruit”.

Thomas Hollen is the CEO of Highr and has been in the recruitment industry since 2000.


Highr ApS – Hauser Plads 10, st. – 1127 København K – Danmark

+45 53 69 69 99



Capture the passive and not job-seeking candidates

60 hours of headhunting, you can stop at any time

Unlimited employment at no extra cost

Full transparency throughout the process via web-based platform

Get exciting candidate insights

Highr is pronounced both as “higher”, which symbolizes our desire to help our clients become more successful with their own recruitment processes, and as “hire”, which means “to recruit”.

Thomas Hollen is the CEO of Highr and has been in the recruitment industry since 2000.


Highr ApS – Hauser Plads 10, st. – 1127 København K – Danmark

+45 53 69 69 99



Capture the passive and not job-seeking candidates

60 hours of headhunting, you can stop at any time

Unlimited employment at no extra cost

Full transparency throughout the process via web-based platform

Get exciting candidate insights